Artwork by Maddie Marcoux
Jams and Jars
Artist's Statement: The works I paint and draw are a reflection of my love for colour. I often hear the expression “live your life in full colour” and, seeing as I try to do just that, I feel it natural to translate that energy into my work. Recently, I’ve been challenging myself to try new things in my art such as making series, trying blind contour, destroying pieces to make something new, and even making work without my favourite colour (pink). My art style is largely inspired by Disney and many of their apprentices, such as Wayne Thiedbaud. I like my work to have a sense of whimsy about it. Things are much more exciting when full of whimsy and colour, after all.
Maddie Marcoux is a third-year Visual Art student at uOttawa, from Windsor, Ontario. As an artist, Maddie focuses primarily on painting, drawing, and media art, often using a variety of bright colours to make her work pop.